Are you looking for an experienced editor
to refine the English you use in your academic,
business, technical, or literary manuscript?

How can we help you?

Maybe your business gets a lot of English speaking customers. Your translator does excellent work on your written documentation. Your customers often tell you that the English is almost perfect. But you want it to be better than that…

Maybe you’ve just finished writing an article in English that you hope to have published. Your English is good, but it isn’t the best possible. And this time it needs to be…

Maybe you’ve been studying English for over twelve years, and now your master’s thesis is finally ready to present to the jury. You know it’s good. But this time it needs to be much better than just good…

Maybe you have to give a presentation to an international audience, and the English is good enough that almost everyone should understand almost everything. But you can’t risk presenting anything less than the best possible…

Having good English can often be very important, but sometimes good, even excellent, isn’t good enough. Sometimes it has to be the best possible!

SBV English language editorial services will take your almost good enough English and turn it into the native speaker level of English that you want and need.